Summer Daze, Creative Projects + Upcoming Knitting Retreat
Hello Colorful Friends!
Wow - how fast the summer is going. I know it will be gone in a flash when we celebrate Julia's (18th) birthday. It marks the half way point of the summer for our family. Now to cram a lot into the end of the summer before school starts again before the end of August.
The first Creative Retreat of the year here at Leyden Glen Farm was a couple weeks ago. You can read about it and see lots of photos on my blog here and here. The students made some incredible projects. This weekend I am hosting a Fabric Printing and Embroidery Retreat. Should be lots of fun.
I am excited to share that our Colorful Farmhouse is featured in the newly revived Country Home Magazine. It is an annual issue and should be for sale on the newstands through next winter. I know Barnes and Noble is carrying it. .
There is still time to register for the last Creative Retreat of 2016. It features Color and Knitting:
• September 24-25 - Color + Embroidery for Knitters + Crocheters - 4 spaces are currently available. There are 1 and 2 day options.
More information on my website here. I provide morning snacks, lunch and beverages but dinner and lodging are on your own. Here's info for that:
"Where To Stay"
"Where To Eat"
Here are some things that I have found interesting this week:
• Grace Bonney wrote an essay on "The White Wall Controversy." I found it very interesting. It is so often that I look at decorating blogs and I say to myself - "Where is the color? Why all the white?" What do you think? Do you like color in your home or are you an all white type of homeowner/decorator?
• I love this new fabric by Mark Herald. Looks like a riot in the garden at the end of the growing season.
• Jon Katz wrote about thinking about if older people can be beautiful.
• Donna Druchanas of Sheep to Shawl Knitting Studio lists my first knitting book Knitting The New Classics in her Top 10 of Knitting Books. Wow Donna - thank you so much. Really astounded. That was a very long time ago that it came out -- 1995. Donna has some other good ones on her list.
• Love the mix of color and patterns in this hotel called Halcyon House in Brisbane, Australia. Anna Spiro is the decorator. She has a gorgeous book out too called Absolutely Beautiful Things.
• Mary Corbet has a great tutorial on Stem Stitch here.
My best for a colorful and creative August ahead.
Kristin Nicholas
A fun video of our farm, our farmhouse, and my family. A good preview for sure if you are thinking of coming to one of my Creative Retreats this July or September.