Lots of New Lambs at Leyden Glen Farm
Hello Colorful Friends:
March is upon us! The first two months of 2016 have flown by. We are almost done with lambing season and now we are waiting for the lambs to grow. There are a few stragglers delivering babies every once in a while. I've been documenting lambing season over on my blog Getting Stitched on the Farm.
Tomorrow - March 1st, I am doing a free talk at the Northfield (MASS) Public Library at 6:30. If you are local, escape all the Super Tuesday hype and come learn about color. More info here. Directions here. I'll bring samples and books to sell.
In my last newsletter, I told you I am writing a "follow-up" book to Crafting A Colorful Home. I plan to take you all on the journey with me sharing snippets of progress. The subject is PATTERN and I've got so much planned. I'm beginning with the upstairs bath. Here's what I have done so far. You can read more about it on my blog here.
I'll be sharing bits and pieces of it this year over on my blog and my Instagram feed. Be sure to follow me on IG if you do that kind of thing.
Here are some interesting things I have found on the www lately.
• Here's a great article from The UK Guardian about some very creative people who have decorated their own homes with their colorful art.
• The Art Institute of Chicago has re-created VanGogh's Blue Bedroom. And they will be renting it out via AirBNB. Check it out here.
• Speaking of Van Gogh's bedroom.... Did you know he painted that painting 3 different times? I didn't. But I learned about it HERE.
• A Mom in the UK filmed her 3 year old "pulling" a lamb. See it on YouTube HERE.
• I love these colorful paintings of flowers as hats by Olaf Hajek.
• Ann Wood has got a sweet little FREE mouse pattern on her website. Bet it would be easy to turn into a bunny for Easter by changing the ears. Check it out HERE.
• I listened to a great interview on Jennifer Ackerman-Haywoods CraftSanity with Clara Parkes. Check it out here.
I hope you all have a creative week. Spring will be here soon.
With colorful best wishes,
Kristin Nicholas
This is the first video of our farm and farmhouse produced by Houzz.com. In it, you will see our sheep, our dogs - including Winston, chickens, family, and colorful home.