Houzz TV Comes to Leyden Glen Farm
Hello Colorful Friends:
Summer is definitely here! I always say to Julia on the Memorial Day Holiday - July 4th will be here in a blink. This week here in the States, we will celebrate with loud noises and colorful skies. And before we know it.... I won't mention that because we don't want to think about it.
Here at the Farm, we have a lot to celebrate. The Houzz video called A New England Farmhouse Explodes with Color has just been uploaded to YouTube. I can't wait to see what YouTube watchers think.
If you know of anyone who might enjoy watching the video, please pass on the link.

My garden has finally been tilled and I am about to go into massive planting mania. I know - a bit late but things have gotten in the way. I'm ready to go now with plants and seeds. Grow, grow, grow.
I just found out that my new book Crafting a Colorful Home won an IPPY! What's that you say? I didn't know either. It is the Independent Publishers Book Awards. CACH got a Gold Medal in the Home and Garden category. Wow! I don't think I have ever won a Gold Medal for anything. Check it out here.
Here are some interesting things I found on the web this week.
• Julia was away last week visiting her grandmother for a few days. I read this article by Pip Lincolne and couldn't help nodding my head.
• I met my Mom and sister Jenn half way to rendevous with Julia. We met in CT at a store called Terrain. I loved this idea - a mat of sedum. Beautiful! You can use it for decorating or planting in the garden.
• There is a good article on the Shetland Isles in The National. Check it out here.
• If you live in the Northeast where those nasty little ticks are a fear for everyone, you should know about this great service called Tick Report. When you remove a tick that has bitten you or an animal, you can send it to them and for a small fee, they will tell you if the tick has any transmittable lyme disease. I sent two away a couple weeks ago that had bitten Mark and I and were relieved to know they were negative. Check it out here.
• If you are a longtime knitter and knitting book collector, you may recognize part of this post by British blogger Ben Pentreath. Does anyone have Sarah Burnett's Passion for Color anymore? I still do! I love hearing about her life.
• David Lebovitz visited the Le Creuset factory and wrote an interesting post about how this lovely, heavy enameled cast iron is made. Check it out here.
I hope you all have a fantastic week and 4th of July if you are celebrating in the States.
With colorful wishes,

Kristin Nicholas

My new book Crafting a Colorful Home won the Gold Medal in the Home and Garden category of the Independent Publishers of America. Wow!