Stitching News + Good Links
Happy Weekend Friends!
I have missed sending a newsletter over the past couple weeks. Things have been extra busy here at the farm. I hosted my first "Getting Stitched on the Farm" Fabric Printing Retreat of the year on May 3/4. It was a great group of students and they all had such fantastic success. You can see photos on my blog here and here. Best of all, we have all made new friends - what a gift these kinds of retreats are. I have decided to host a second Fabric Printing Retreat this summer. Read on below for more info.
Last week was crazy here at the farm. Four men flew in from California to spend two days at our farm. There was a videographer, a sound guy, a producer, and a time lapse/overhead photographer - videographer. It was a whirlwind of activity with Mark, Julia and I all involved. I'll just leave it at that for now. I can't wait to share more with you as this surprise special project evolves.
If you are thinking of coming to our Leyden Glen Farm for a Retreat, I suggest signing up soon. Classes are filling up. Here is the page for more information. There are 5 spaces left in the Crewel Embroidery Retreat and 3 spaces left in the Knitting and Color Retreat. The new Fabric Retreat has just opened for registration and is limited to 6 students.
The Paisley Printed Pillow Design below is a project that you can make in the Crewel Embroidery Retreat if you attend both days.
I had such fun teaching Fabric Printing in May that I have added a second Fabric Printing Retreat in July. Come to the farm and learn my super simple technique for printing fabric of your very own design. You will print a canvas bag and fabric for a tea towel or pillow. On Day Two we will experiment with other techniques including block printing and fabric painting. TWO DAYS $375. Includes lunches, snacks and beverages. Check it out here. For where to stay, see this page. Here is Robin, one of my returning students working away. FYI - This year, I have 5 students returning to the farm who have been here on past retreats. How cool is that?
My new book Crafting A Colorful Home has gone into its second printing. Yippee! Thank you to all of you who have ordered it! I still have copies here to ship out. It would make a lovely shower gift for a new bride or for a housewarming gift. Here is the link for ordering from my website. And I just found out that Hobby Lobby is carrying it. Here's Photographer Rikki Snyder with a copy of it off the Hobby Lobby shelves.
Today on the blog, I write about the blooming of our apple orchard. Shortly after the apple trees bloomed, the lilacs unfolded. Spring is such a gorgeous time of year here.
Here are some interesting things I found on the web this week.
• I subscribe to Uppercase Magazine. It is a bit pricey but it is independently published and really speaks to my interests at the current time. In the latest issue, there was a fantastic article about wallpaper designer Marthe Armitage, It is highlighted on their blog here. Read another bit about Marthe HERE and don't miss the beautiful video HERE. Martha says about her career: It was not until I was in my mid-70s that I began to gain any recognition, and even now, I remain an insider’s secret. Rock on Marthe!
• The new book The Shepherd's Life: Modern Dispatches from an Ancient Landscape by James Rebanks is now available in the US. Check it out here.
• Fiber Festival Season is upon us. This weekend, here in western Massachusetts, The Massachusetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair is on. Check it out here. Chosen by Yankee Magazine as one of the TOP 20 things to do in Massachusetts.
• Peony blooming season is almost here. This website called Song Sparrow has a fantastic selection. I especially like this one called Coral Charm. I may need to find a spot for it in my garden.
• If I were in London, I would visit the Chelsea Flower Show. I'm not, so these photos were a lovely peek into what went on.
• My friend Gail Callahan aka The Kangaroo Dyer wrote a very nice newsletter about working at the Webs Tent Sale and the special customers she has met over the years. Read it here.
Thank you for reading and supporting my work in craft and color. Have a great week and I hope to see some of you at our farm this year. If you are a resident of the USA, I wish you a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend.
With best wishes,
Kristin Nicholas
I am still taking orders and shipping copies of Crafting a Colorful Home. I have extended the FREE Shipping and am continuing to include the Kristin Illustrated Bookplate and the set of Kristin Postcards. Hop on over to my website to order here. If you don't do Paypal which I know many people still are not comfortable with, you can still order. Here's how:
Send a check for $27.95 written to Kristin Nicholas to PO Box 212, Bernardston, MA 01337 along with your address. I will send you the book.