Happy Mother's Day + Some Good Links
Happy Woman's/Mother's Day Friends!
I hope all of my readers - whether you are a Mom or not - are enjoying a beautiful spring day. I hope that you are thinking about the women who have been or are an important part of your life. For me Mother's Day is a day to celebrate all women - mothers or not.
Here at the farm, we have had a very hot week - summer seems to be here. This coming week, our apple orchard should begin blooming and the lilacs will be out. After such a long and cold winter, it is hard to believe that such beauty is finally here. I have been cleaning up around the yard - raking last fall's leaves and composting them in the chicken pen. As I was raking, the new leaves were unfurling. I love those days of the trees and plants re-awakening after a long rest.
This week on my blog Getting Stitched on the Farm, I shared a recap of the first "Getting Stitched on the Farm" Creative Retreat for 2015. Last weekend I had a full house with 7 dynamic and talented students. I taught them Fabric Printing and shared the decoration of our Farmhouse with them. You can see the posts HERE and HERE. What a great time! I will be having a second Fabric Printing Retreat this summer. I'll be announcing the dates within the next two weeks.
There's a few more hours to take advantage of the Craftsy Mother's Day sale with classes up to 50% off. Use this link and hop on over to see what you can learn.
You can take my Crewel Embroidery Class on-line called Stitch It With Wool. I have almost 2000 students so far. There are so many great classes to choose from and you will have the class for life. Subjects include baking, sewing, quilting, knitting, photography, crochet, and more.
Here are some interesting things I found on the web this week.
•Over on the Houzz.com website, they are talking about "Minion Yellow" - the first "branded" Pantone color. I'm not sure what I think about branding colors but I do love a good bright and sunny yellow like my studio door below. Check it out here and join the conversation.
• The British cabinet manufacturer "Plain English" has a lower priced line of gorgeous cabinets that come in standard sizes. The line is called British Standard and if you want to have a look and dream - check them out here. I don't need new cabinets but I still love to look at lovely kitchens.
• British Architect Ben Pentreath went to New Zealand and shared some gorgeous photos. I especially like the ones of the sheep and cows and the wool warehouse. Check it out here.
• Michele Carragher is an embroidery designer who works for t.v. and movies. Her work is often seen on Game of Thrones. It is so incredibly stunning. Check it out here.
• Look what you can do with Post It Notes and a little imagination.
• Spoonflower - the digital fabric printing company - has a new fabric - Cotton Lawn Ultra. Check it out here. One of the founders of Spoonflower was interviewed by Abby Glassenberg on the While She Naps podcast here.
• BBC4 featured "The Shepherd's Life" on their Book of the Week. It is written by Shepherd James Rebanks who is the @herdyshepherd1 on Twitter with almost 60,000 followers. You can listen for 3 more days here.
Thank you for reading and supporting my work in craft and color. Have a great week and maybe I will see some of you at our farm this year.
With best wishes,
Kristin Nicholas
I am still taking orders and shipping copies of Crafting a Colorful Home. I have extended the FREE Shipping and am continuing to include the Kristin Illustrated Bookplate and the set of Kristin Postcards. Hop on over to my website to order here. If you don't do Paypal which I know many people still are not comfortable with, you can still order. Here's how:
Send a check for $27.95 written to Kristin Nicholas to PO Box 212, Bernardston, MA 01337 along with your address. I will send you the book.